The Self-Care Paradox: Why We Might Be Doing It Wrong

Explore how real self-care goes deeper than surface-level indulgence and discover handpicked newsletters that can transform your wellness journey this week.

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The Wellness Rewind Newsletter

🍂 Welcome to Your Sunday Wellness Reset!

This week, we’re diving into how self-care is more than just spa days and face masks—it’s about practices that truly nourish your overall wellbeing. Here’s what’s inside:

  • The Self-Care Paradox: Are we practicing self-care the right way, or are we missing the mark?

  • Inspiring Stories of Unconventional Self-Care: Hear from readers who have found meaningful ways to care for themselves.

  • Inbox Inspiration: 5 must-read newsletters to fuel your personal growth and wellness journey.

Let’s rethink how we approach self-care and wellness!

The Self-Care Paradox: Are We Doing It Wrong? 🚫

In a world brimming with Instagrammable moments and #selfcare hashtags, “self-care” has become synonymous with facemasks, bubble baths, and lavish spa days or splurging on a new skincare routine. But is that really the essence of self-care, or are we missing the point? 🤔

Statistics show that while 49% of Gen Zs and 62% of millennials say work is central to their identity, work-life balance is something they are striving for and claim to practice self-care, yet many report still feeling burnt out. 💥 So, what gives? Could it be that we’re treating self-care as a momentary indulgence rather than a daily necessity?

Beyond the Clichés: Reimagining True Self-Care

True self-care goes deeper than pampering. It’s about nourishing our mind, body, and soul, often in ways that don’t make it onto social media. Self-care is taking care of your physical and mental health to become the best version of yourself. This means getting enough sleep, eating well, moving your body regularly, and practicing mindfulness routines like journaling or meditation.

For me, self-care isn't about indulgence or luxury. It’s about making time for a morning run or stepping onto my yoga mat to center myself. It’s eating nutritious foods that fuel me, going on a walk outdoors, carving out moments for reflection, and ensuring my body and mind are in sync.

Readers Personal Stories: The Power of Unconventional Self-Care

Self-care doesn’t always look like we imagine. Sometimes, it’s about saying “no,” setting boundaries, or even clearing mental clutter through intentional actions. Let’s look at how a few readers have found empowerment through less conventional means of self-care.

Sara, a long-time subscriber, shared a powerful story about how she transformed her relationship with work. After years of over-committing and feeling stretched too thin, she realized her true self-care moment didn’t come from trying to emulate a the perfectly aesthetically pleasing morning routine like those she scrolled on Instagram or Tiktok.

Instead, it came from one simple yet profound action: saying "no." Setting clear boundaries with her boss about her workload and turning down extra projects finally allowed her to reclaim her mental well-being. "It wasn’t easy at first," Sara said, "but once I started prioritizing my own needs over the constant pressure to always be available, I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. It was like I had given myself permission to take care of myself in ways that truly mattered."

Then there’s Alexia, who took a different route toward self-care. She found that decluttering her living space had a transformative effect on her mental state. After struggling with constant overwhelm and stress, she took a weekend to organize her home.

"At first, I thought I was just tidying up, but the process turned out to be so much more. I realized that my cluttered environment was feeding my anxiety. Once I cleared out the physical space, it felt like I was clearing out emotional space too," Alexia explained. “Decluttering became a therapeutic practice for me—something that helped me feel more in control of my life. It’s not what I expected self-care to look like, but it was exactly what I needed.”

And let's not forget about Tim, another reader, who discovered that his unconventional self-care was about something as simple as prioritizing time for himself in the mornings. Rather than hitting the snooze button or rushing straight into work emails, Tim decided to take 30 minutes each day to focus on his personal growth. Whether it was reading, journaling, a 5 minute meditation, or just enjoying his coffee without distractions, he found that these small moments of solitude made him more grounded and less anxious throughout the day.

"It’s amazing how much difference a little time to myself in the morning makes," he said. "I used to feel like I had no control over my day. Now, I feel more intentional and centered, and that has helped me be more productive and happy."

These stories show that self-care doesn't always need to follow the typical script. Sometimes, it’s about taking a step back and asking yourself what you really need at that moment, even if it doesn’t match the more traditional or trendy self-care rituals. It’s about aligning your daily choices with your well-being and creating routines that nurture the mind, body, and spirit.

Have you ever found an unconventional way to practice self-care that made a lasting impact? Share your story with us! We’d love to feature more reader experiences in upcoming newsletters.

Alternative Self-Care Tips Backed by Research 🧠💪

1. Sleep as a Foundation for Everything: Getting quality sleep is essential for both mental clarity and emotional resilience. This is the cornerstone to self-care. Prioritize a solid routine to recharge fully.

2. Move Mindfully: Exercise doesn’t have to be intense. A simple walk, some stretching, or light yoga can work wonders for your body and mind.

3. Say No More Often: Boundary-setting is a game changer. Research from Psychological Science shows that people who regularly say no experience less stress.

4. Nourish Your Body: What you eat affects your mood, energy, and brain function. Fueling your body with nutritious foods is a long-term investment in your well-being.

5. Digital Detox: Taking regular breaks from your screen can drastically improve mental health. A study found that reducing social media usage can decrease anxiety and depression. Unplugging from technology, even for a few hours, can help you reconnect with the world around you and your inner self.

6. Intentional Choices: As one inspiring quote reminds us, "Today, I choose to connect with myself a little more deeply. To understand that sometimes life hurts, but I can choose how to move forward." Practicing intentional self-care means letting go of expectations, projections, and pressures that don’t serve you and focusing on what does.

Extra Reading on Self-Care on Wellness Bum

Reflect: What Does True Self-Care Mean for You? 

Now, take a moment and ask yourself: Are you engaging in self-care practices that truly nourish your well-being, or are you getting caught up in trends or fully neglecting it? It’s easy to fall into the trap of doing what looks good instead of what feels right. Self-care doesn’t need to be glamorous—it’s about what makes you feel balanced and whole. Whether it’s an early morning run, mindful journaling, or a healthy meal, self-care is whatever brings you back to yourself.

Hit REPLY and share your self-care practices with us. We want to know: What’s working for you? What’s not? Let’s build a community of real, meaningful self-care together. 💬

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 Inbox Insights: 5 Inspiring Newsletters for Your Personal Growth Journey

Through my journey of exploring what it means to truly care for oneself, I've discovered the power of email newsletters. These delightful little nuggets of wisdom land in our inboxes, providing us with inspiration, motivation, and practical advice to enhance our daily lives.

In sharing this curated list, I hope you'll find the very resources that will encourage, uplift, and guide you toward a more mindful and enriched life. So, let’s dive into my top 5 newsletter picks that are sure to inspire your self-care and personal growth journey!

The Daily Good by The Good Trade

Why I love it: Every time I open an email from The Daily Good, it feels like unwrapping a gift. Designed with impeccable aesthetics and filled with valuable content, these emails cover a variety of topics with a strong focus on self-care and mindfulness.


  • Daily Inspiration: Get beautifully crafted emails daily that inspire and educate.

  • Comprehensive Content: Covers diverse interests from mindfulness to sustainability.

  • Actionable Advice: Practical tips that you can implement in your daily routine.

Slow Brew Sundays by Om & The City

Why I love it: Jules, the creative mind behind Om & The City, has a knack for distilling simplicity and mindfulness into her content. Each week, her Slow Brew Sundays by Om & The City emails align with a monthly theme that encourages focus on self-care and wellbeing.


  • Weekly Themes: Focus on one monthly theme to dive deeper into specific areas of self-care.

  • Relatable Challenges: End-of-email challenges that are fun and easy to incorporate.

  • Mindful Prep: The perfect Sunday ritual to set your intentions for the week.

Try This by Dhru Purohit

Why I love it: Dhru Purohit’s newsletter is like having a health coach at your fingertips. Each edition is packed with research-backed protocols designed to elevate your health journey.


  • In-Depth Protocols: Step-by-step guides focused on enhancing your health.

  • Research-Backed: Information grounded in credible research and expert insights.

  • Health Focused: Concentrates on actionable health tips you can trust.

Potencia Mind Newsletter

Why I love it: For those who are passionate about mental health, emotional intelligence, and productivity, Potencia Mind is a powerhouse of motivation and rapid learning.


  • Diverse Topics: Covers mental health, productivity, and more to fuel personal development.

  • High-Performance Tips: Learn strategies to boost your performance and emotional intelligence.

  • Motivational Boost: Regular bursts of motivation to keep you energized and focused.

The Daily Grind

Why I love it: Every Friday, The Daily Grind delivers insights on fitness, nutrition, mindset, and routine planning—everything you need to stay inspired and informed.


  • Comprehensive Coverage: Get updates on fitness, nutrition, and mindset in one place.

  • Routine Planning: Tips on how to structure your days for maximum productivity.

  • Behavior Training: Learn techniques for developing healthy habits and routines.

I hope these newsletters become your companions in the quest for self-improvement and self-care. Remember, personal growth is a journey, not a destination. Embrace each step, find joy in learning, and celebrate the small victories along the way. Stay curious, stay inspired, and most importantly, stay kind to yourself.

That’s it for this week! I hope these stories and insights inspire you to rethink your approach to self-care and focus on what truly nourishes you. Remember, it’s not about the trends—it’s about finding what works best for you in your everyday life.

As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts or experiences—feel free to hit reply and share! Until next time, keep taking care of yourself in meaningful ways.

Valerie & the Wellness Bum team

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