Simple Ways to Thrive This October

Wellness Tips, Trends, and Restorative Routines

In partnership with

The Wellness Rewind Newsletter

🍂 Welcome to Your October Wellness Guide! 🍁

As the season shifts, it's the perfect time to set new intentions and focus on wellness habits that will help you thrive all month long. This week, we’re diving into a new month and these wellness topics:

  • 7 simple intentions to focus on for a more balanced October.

  • Living seasonally and how it can boost your longevity and well-being.

  • October Intentions to help you reflect, realign, and reset in the new month.

  • The latest wellness trends we've been loving—from bovine colostrum to lymphatic drainage massages.

  • Breaking the sleep loss and procrastination loop for better rest and productivity.

  • How to craft the perfect night routine to stay rested and grounded as the days grow shorter.

Let’s make October your best month yet with these wellness tips designed to keep you balanced and thriving.

🍂 October Intentions: 7 Ways to Set the Tone for a Balanced Month

October is here, and it’s the PERFECT time to set some new intentions. Think of intentions as your personal compass, guiding you towards your best self. Not resolutions. Not goals. Just simple, clear intentions.

Here are 7 intentions to focus on this October: 

1. Prioritize self-care: 🛀 Make time for YOU. Whether it’s a bath, a walk, or reading a book. Self-care is time that is dedicated to you, to help you restore and rebalance. Do what makes you happy.

2. Mindful eating: 🥗 Pay attention to what you eat. Savor every bite. Feel the nourishment.

3. Digital detox: 📵 Spend less time on screens. More time in real life. Disconnect to reconnect.

4. Practice gratitude: 🙏 Start a gratitude journal. Write down three things you’re grateful for every day. We love The Five Minute Journal! If you’re new to a gratitude practice, this journal helps create and deepen gratitude journaling in it’s simple templated journal.

5. Move your body: 🏋️‍♀️ Find an activity you love. Dance, run, do yoga. Just MOVE.

6. Connect with loved ones: 💬 Reach out to friends and family. Strengthen those bonds.

7. Set boundaries: 🚧 Learn to say NO. Protect your time and energy.

What intentions will you set for October? Grab a notebook, write them down, and let’s flourish together! 🌟

💥 Use AI to 10X your productivity & efficiency at work (free bonus) 🤯

Still struggling to achieve work-life balance and manage your time efficiently?

Join this 3 hour Intensive Workshop on AI & ChatGPT tools (usually $399) but FREE for first 100 readers.

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Want to be one of these people & be a smart worker?
Free up 3 hours of your time to learn AI strategies & hacks that less than 1% people know! 

🗓️ Tomorrow | ⏱️ 10 AM EST

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Save 1000s of dollars by using ChatGPT to simplify complex problems 

🌿 Unlock the Secret to Living Seasonally: Boost Longevity This Fall

Ever had the feeling that your body just knows when it's Fall? 🍂 I do. Every October, like clockwork, I crave pumpkin, warming spices like cinnamon, turmeric, and nutmeg and find myself bundling up in cozy sweaters. It's not just a seasonal mood swing—it's my body syncing up with nature's rhythm.

Living seasonally isn't just about enjoying seasonal produce and Fall meals or weather-appropriate fashion. It's a lifestyle that can have real, tangible benefits on our longevity. 

Here are three ways living seasonally can boost your health:

  • Natural Nutrient Boost: Eating seasonal foods means you're getting produce at its peak freshness, loaded with essential nutrients. Think apples and cranberries packed with antioxidants or winter squash and sweet potatoes rich in vitamins.

  • Immune System Support: Seasonal living can help strengthen your immune system. As the seasons change, so does our exposure to different environmental factors. Adapting your lifestyle can help your body build resilience.

  • Mind and Body Sync: Aligning your daily activities with the natural light and temperature cycles helps regulate your circadian rhythm. This can improve your sleep quality and overall mental health

Ready to start? 🍏 Begin with your plate.

Next time you're at the grocery store or farmer's market, choose fruits and veggies that are in season. Not only will they taste better, but your body will thank you!

👀 Did someone say FREE Carafe?

Revive your health this season with the Gift Yourself Bundle-the ultimate gift for you and yours to conquer the season. Featuring:

  • Try ARMRA’s most-loved Unflavored Jar!

  • Travel Sticks of your choice (Choose from Unflavored, Blood Orange🍊, and Vine Watermelon🍉)

  • The sleek ARMRA Tote 2.0 for effortless carrying

Secure yours today and get a FREE Peach Carafe with your purchase through 9/30. Enjoy 15% off your first order with code WELLNESSBUM at!

October Intentions: Reflect, Realign, and Reset

As we step into October, it's the perfect time to pause and reflect on where we are and where we want to go. With the changing season, we have an opportunity to realign our goals, set new intentions, and release what no longer serves us. Whether you're focusing on personal growth, health, or professional ambitions, taking a moment to set clear intentions can help you move through the month with purpose and clarity.

To guide you, I've put together a few reflective questions to inspire your October reset and keep you grounded throughout the weeks ahead.

  1. What’s one habit or behavior I want to let go of this month, and what will I replace it with?

  2. What is one specific goal I can set for October that will move me closer to my long-term vision?

  3. How do I want to feel at the end of this month, and what actions will help me achieve that feeling?

  4. What’s one area of my life that needs more attention or balance in October?

  5. What small, daily rituals can I implement to stay aligned with my intentions this month?

🌸 Wellness Trends We’re Loving: From Colostrum to Lymphatic Massage

What’s hot in wellness?

Let’s dive into some trends we’ve been LOVING lately. From bovine colostrum to magnesium, we’ve tested them all. And the results? Pretty amazing if you ask me.

Bovine Colostrum

I was skeptical at first. Bovine colostrum? Really? But after a week, I felt a noticeable boost in my energy. No mid-afternoon crashes. Plus, my immune system feels WAY more resilient.


Magnesium is my go-to for stress relief. I like taking a magnesium supplement before bed, and it helps me sleep like a baby. Seriously. If you’re struggling with sleep, give it a try.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage

This one’s a GAME CHANGER. It’s like hitting the reset button on your body. I felt lighter, less bloated, and my skin had this beautiful glow.

Lymphatic drainage massage is a form of gentle massage that encourages the drainage of lymph nodes and the movement of lymph fluids around the body. It can help relieve symptoms of lymphedema. The fluid in the lymphatic system helps remove waste and toxins from body tissues. You can also keep this up at home with gua sha tools and ice rollers.

Dopamine Menus

Creating a dopamine menu was a fun experiment. It’s all about adding little joys throughout your day. Simple stuff like listening to your favorite song or taking a five-minute walk. It really lifted my mood!

Mouth Tap for Sleep

Okay, this one sounded weird. But, I swear, it’s incredible. Taping my mouth shut (lightly, of course!) using the Skinny Confidential Mouth Tap helped me breathe better at night, and I woke up feeling super refreshed.

Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy is my new self-care obsession. It felt like a mini spa session at home. My skin looks more vibrant, and I feel more relaxed overall. Red light therapy helps reduce wrinkles, fine lines and age spots and improve facial texture. 

Want to try these trends?

Start small. Pick one and see how it fits into your routine. Listen to your body’s feedback and adjust as needed.

Trust me, adding these little wellness tweaks can make a BIG difference.

💤 Break the Sleep Loss-Procrastination Loop: Here’s How

Ever wonder why a sleepless night leaves you putting things off the next day? 🤔

It’s a vicious cycle. Lack of sleep means low energy. Low energy means more procrastination. And more procrastination leads to stress, making it even harder to sleep.

Here’s the deal: Sleep loss and procrastination feed off each other, creating a negative feedback loop that’s tough to break. But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.

1. Prioritize a consistent sleep schedule

Set a bedtime and stick to it. 🌙 Our bodies love routine. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day helps regulate our internal clocks, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up refreshed.

2. Create a bedtime ritual

A calming pre-sleep routine can do wonders. Think warm baths, reading a book, or gentle stretching. 📖 Turn off screens at least an hour before bed. The blue light messes with your melatonin levels, making it harder to fall asleep. 

3. Break tasks into smaller steps

Big tasks can feel overwhelming, leading to procrastination. Break them into bite-sized pieces. It’s much easier to tackle small chunks than one huge project. Trust me, this trick works! 💪

One night, I decided enough was enough. I set a strict bedtime, created a soothing ritual, and broke my tasks into manageable steps. Within a week, my sleep improved, and my productivity soared. No more endless nights of tossing and turning, and no more delaying my to-do list.

Try these tips and see how your nights—and days—transform. 🌟

🌙 Create a Restful October Night Routine: Sleep Better, Stress Less

Can you feel it? 🍂 The crisp air, the shorter days, the urge to cozy up with a hot cup of tea? October is here, and it's the perfect time to dial in a night routine that sets you up for restful sleep and peaceful evenings.

A solid night routine is more than just winding down. It's about preparing your mind and body for ultimate relaxation. Here’s why it matters:

  • Reduces Stress: Having a predictable end to your day can significantly lower stress levels.

  • Improves Sleep Quality: Consistent pre-bed habits signal your brain it's time to sleep.

  • Enhances Overall Well-being: A night routine can boost your mood and mental clarity.

Now, let's get into the nitty-gritty. Here are three essential elements for an October night routine. 

  1. Dim the Lights Early: As soon as the sun sets, start turning off or dimming the lights in your home. This helps your body produce melatonin, the sleep hormone.

  2. Unplug and Unwind: Put away your devices at least an hour before bed. The blue light from screens can mess with your circadian rhythm.

  3. Warm Beverages: Opt for caffeine-free teas or a warm glass of milk. These can be soothing and signal to your body it’s time to relax.

Ready to create your own October night routine? Here's a simple step-by-step guide. 

  1. Set a Bedtime: Pick a time you want to be in bed by every night. Consistency is key!

  2. Plan Your Wind-Down Activities: Choose relaxing activities like reading, journaling, or light stretching.

  3. Prep Your Space: Make sure your bedroom is a sanctuary. This means clean sheets, a comfortable mattress, and maybe a few drops of lavender essential oil in the air.

You’re all set! Now, go create a night routine that allows you to wake up refreshed and ready to tackle whatever October throws your way.

That’s it for this week, friends! I hope these tips inspire you to embrace the season and prioritize your well-being. Remember, small changes can make a big difference, so don’t be afraid to try something new and see how it feels.

Until next time, stay grounded, stay glowing, and let’s make this October your best month yet! 🍂✨

With wellness and good vibes,

Valerie & the Wellness Bum team

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